Whereas the parties wish to preserve the health of students, faculty and community
members. The parties enter into this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
The parties agree that the following protocols and procedures will apply to all employees
during the current State of Emergency, issued by Governor Charlie Baker, concerning the
Coronavirus (CoVid-19) or any extension imposed by the district.
1. The District and Association approach this CoVid-19 school closure and pandemic with
the expectation that they will work cooperatively to provide students the best possible
educational experience and connection to their school community and support to its employees
during this unprecedented time. All members will be expected to support students during the
subsequent phases of the school closure, subject to further negotiations and agreement with and
by NTA.
2. Employees shall receive their full pay and benefits for the duration of such closing. Pay
during such closing shall not be reflected in a reduction from the employee’s accumulated
contractual leaves.
3. If an employee is subject to a substantiated recommended self-quarantine and/or
mandatory quarantine, said employee will receive full pay and benefits for the duration of the
leave. Pay during such leave shall not be reflected in a reduction from the employee’s
accumulated contractual leaves.
4. Employees who are diagnosed with CoVid-19 shall report the diagnosis to the District
immediately. The Employee will be placed on leave and be held out of work for an amount of
time as determined by their health care provider, following recommendations from the Center for
Disease Control (CDC) or other governmental agency. Pay during such leave shall not be
reflected in a reduction from the employee’s accumulated contractual leaves. Under the Federal
Families First Act, employees with family or household members diagnosed with CoVid-19 shall
notify the Superintendent’s office and may access leave benefits.
5. All employee evaluations will be placed on hold during the closure and will be held
harmless for providing evidence towards evaluations. The time due to closure shall count for
advancing toward PTS and members who have PTS will continue to accrue as normal. Should
further guidelines be released by DESE, the Association and the Norton School Committee agree
to impact bargain.
6. The confidentiality of records, virtual discussions, or other matters which relate to student
confidentiality during the closure period cannot be guaranteed. In the event IEP meetings, or
other meetings which trigger privacy issues are conducted during the closure period, the District
shall assume any and all liability for student privacy violations which may occur, including
7. During this closure, teachers shall post assignments for students using a district approved
remote learning platform. Every reasonable effort will be made by the district to address equity
of access to all materials and assignments. Teachers will work together to ensure that lessons are
consistent among grade and content areas as much as possible. Teachers and/or teacher teams
shall have the sole right to determine their method for creating assignments.
8. The Association and administration agree it is best practice to provide feedback and
commentary on student work and engage students in their progress as practical. PreK-8 Teachers
will not be providing traditional grades. Instead, teachers will be responsible for keeping track
of completion and/or participation when applicable, encourage students’ self assessment and
provide feedback to students where practical. In regards to grades 9-12, there will be a joint
committee of educators appointed by the President of the NTA and the district administration,
that will determine grading and credit at the high school as further information becomes
9. Communication between employees and students/parents shall only be through school
approved platforms. The district will create and maintain a running list of school approved
10. Office hours for teachers shall be one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon
during a typical work day for each teacher. Each teacher shall determine their own hours and
share them with their building principal and students/families. During such hours, teachers will
be available to answer questions and respond to comments and concerns from
11. Paraprofessionals will complete 2 mandatory professional development trainings per
week as assigned by district administration. Paraprofessionals will also choose 5 other trainings
based on their current position and/or interest. The district and the NTA will work
collaboratively to provide a menu of professional development opportunities for
paraprofessionals to choose from, which can be added to as more opportunities are obtained.
Paraprofessionals will communicate with their supervising teacher at least once per week for the
purpose of helping with any student SEL needs and to continue collaboration and to enhance the
learning community. Paraprofessionals shall also check their emails daily.
12. Staff will be provided with 48 hours notice prior to any meetings scheduled by
13. Should employees need assistance with students who are not participating, or otherwise
not performing/completing the required lessons, the employee will inform the building Principal
and/or direct supervisor who shall address the issue accordingly.
14. Employees shall not be subject to any disciplinary action for reasonable lesson planning,
implementation, delivery and/or student assessment associated with remote learning due to the
unique circumstances surrounding this Agreement.
15. A joint labor-management committee, co-chaired by the Superintendent and/or his
designee and the NTA President and/or her designee, will be formed of equal number NTA
members and administrators that shall be tasked with finding solutions to unforeseen difficulties
in the implementation of this agreement, disseminating information regarding best practice
solutions to common concerns that arise, and generally support administration and staff in other
ways that they see fit. The joint labor-management committee will utilize the NPS Guidance on
Working Remotely and the NPS Plan for Remote Learning as the initial documents for
determining decisions.
16. Employees will refer to the NPS Guidance on Working Remotely and the NPS Plan for
Remote Learning documents for the most up to date information about expectations and best
practices as agreed upon by both parties.
17. All provisions of the collective bargaining agreement between the Committee and the
Association shall remain in effect except to the extent such provisions have been durationally
modified by this Agreement.
18. This Memorandum of Agreement shall not be used as precedent or cited as practice by
either the Committee or the Association in any proceeding whatsoever except to enforce the
terms of this Memorandum of Agreement.
19. This agreement shall not be modified except for in writing and by mutual agreement and
consent of both parties.
Norton Teachers Association: __________________________ Date: ________________
Norton Public Schools’ Superintendent: __________________________ Date: _________